

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Diet is not a verb

Somewhere in the course of history we added a second meaning to the word diet. It went from this

Noun: the kinds of food that a person, animal, or community habitually eats.

to this

Verb: restrict oneself to small amounts or special kinds of food in order to lose weight.

And that is the problem. When we think of the word diet we tend to think of the second definition. It is this dirty word that we all loath, and it has certain unmentioned caveats. One being, it is temporary. The original definition of the word diet is clearly not temporary, it is the kind of food you eat, you eat to live you eat every day, it is simply a description of the kind of foods you eat, nothing temporary about that.

But when we go on a diet, I think we all imagine it will be a temporary thing, "just till I lose the weight, then I won't have to be so restrictive." The truth is that's a sad little lie we tell ourselves to make it more manageable, more palatable. "I can do this because I don't have to do it forever."

But see the original definition tells us otherwise... Your diet is what you eat ALL the time. You have to keep it up, you have to keep going. You are making changes, you are not DIETING (verb), you are permanently changing your DIET (noun).

Personal story: when I started my weight loss journey I was determined. I was crazy about my diet and my workouts. I lost weight quick. I was down 30 pounds in 3 months. I was strict I was regimented, I said no to yummy things, I was a drill sergeant about working out even on vacation. I was committed. I was also under the illusion that it was temporary...

One day I had an ephiany. This is forever. If I go back even a little bit to the way I used to eat, the way I used to be about exercise, I will be right back where I started. I will gain it all back. I can never again be complacent about workouts, I can never again say "it's ok if I eat this."

This is a lifestyle change, you are changing who you are, changing your habits. You are a new different person. You have to give up the old and embrace the new. That was a hard pill to swallow. I reached a point where the weight stopped coming off. I kept up my "diet" (using it a s verb here) and saw no change no results, nothing. I hit a major plateau that I am still riding. The worst part about the whole thing was I kept thinking (and still do sometimes) but I am eating so well, I am doing so good, I am dieting! That kind of thinking discourages and leads to relapses.

Obviously this is my maintain point. It is going to take something drastic to get over this hump. I work out 4-6 times a week. I eat healthy, I count calories. I don't lose. I maintain, and that means if I stop, if I don't work out, if I don't eat this way I will start to gain.

You reach a point where you realize, these changes are permenant. I want you to know that now going into this so maybe you wan't be so shocked and disappointed like I was.

In all honesty I have a difficult time maintaining this. When I saw other mommies with stellar results and six packs and flat tummy's I used to think "I want that!" But now I know what it would take for me to get there, and I don't want it bad enough. It is easier to maintain than to lose especially when you are starting out. When I was heavier I burned so many more calories, now that I am 30 pounds lighter the same workout burns 1/4 of the calories it did before. That is discouraging, and makes it difficult.

I don't have the motivation or desire to have a flat tummy. And that is OK. My goal is to be happy and healthy and help my kids start good eating habits and have a good relationship with food while they are young. I would love to lose the extra fat I carry, but if that means more work than what I am doing now, it's simply not happening, and I am ok with that. I seriously have reached a peaceful place (after much whining and frustration).

You will reach a point where you are ready to stop "dieting" and simply maintain a healthy diet. Make your goals attainable, make them sustainable. Be happy with the little victories. If you find that you are miserable evaluate whether or not you can maintain this forever. You cannot think of this as a temporary thing. You are making changes for a lifetime. This is not A diet it is YOUR diet.

Wrap it in lettuce!

When I started trying to lose weight I tried the Paleo diet. A friend of mine loved it and had such great success I figured it would be perfect for me! I tried for like 3 weeks and gave up. I needed my carbs. However the diet did give me a few habits that have stuck, one of those being ditching the bun. I cut out carbs where I can, not because I think they are evil or because I am gluten free, but simply because they are loaded with extra calories I don't need. It is amazing how many calories you can cut by getting rid of a bun, a taco shell, bread etc. I serve all hamburgers in our home bunless. I got a little resistance from the kids at first but they are used to it now. Last night I wrapped them in lettuce to give the kids a "bun" and it worked pretty well.

A few weeks back I tested out Lettuce Tacos on my kids and they loved them! I was so shocked, but they totally eat them every time. No more corn shells at this house!
And you can make a totally amazing sandwich without bread. The average piece of bread is between 80-110 calories sometimes more. two pieces and you already have 200 calories in you lunch and it's just useless carbs, sugar that will make you feel moody and crash. ( I love bread despite these qualities, I still eat it, I just eat WAY less of it.)
So wrap your sandwich in lettuce. 0 calories and you snuck in a veggie :)

*Another tip, dressings and mayo add more unnecessary calories. Try switching them out for avocado. Healthy fat and helps make the burger/sandwich less dry. *

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

It's Your Choice

I have been thinking about this post for a little while now, and I think it is super important. Aside from our excuses, what really gets in the way of us losing weight? What keeps us from succeeding and reaching our goals?

It's that bullsh$@& story we keep telling ourselves. It's that idea that we have of who we are and what we can accomplish. We all have an idea of who we are. This can act as a road block moving forward. We get stuck in story that we have created. We have decided that we can't. We simply aren't that kind of person.

Prior to losing weight I had many attempts and fails. Each time I would tell myself I can't do this. I am not this person. I am not active, I am not a health nut. I had defined myself as lazy, unmotivated, incapable. I saw pictures of fit women and I thought "well they are clearly everything I am not."

The truth all along was that I had the power to choose. I was the one who built those walls that defined me and I had the power at any moment to tear them down. That's the greatest part! You have the power within yourself to wake up and decide to be different. You don't have to keep living that same old story. You can be someone new! It's amazing really when you think about it.

Every day is a new opportunity to stop telling yourself you can't and decide you are the kind of person who CAN. Think about who you want to be and why, and then simply decide to be it! We all have stumbling blocks and change is not perfect, it takes time, and you will have set backs. But you can keep reminding yourself that this is not who you are anymore.

If you lacked motivation you would not get up everyday and do what you had to do. You would not be mom, you would not cook, or clean, or help kids with school work. You would not meet friends, or read books, or take showers. Simply getting up every day and living requires motivation, so see you have that trait!! You are capable, you succeed at things every single day. You are worth it. You are amazing, you are kind, you are beautiful. You are the author of this story. It is YOUR life, you decide who you are and who you are not. You have the power over you.

Break the walls, shatter the misconceptions and redefine yourself. It's a new day :)

Trying New Foods

This week we are trying several new foods in an attempt to add more fruits and veggies to our diet and get rid of as many carbs as possible.

Monday night was Spaghetti with Zoodles (Zucchini noodles). Huge hit with my husband, my son tolerated them Lexie had to be force fed.... They will be a staple so hopefully the kids get used to it!

6-8 zucchini noodled
Spaghetti sauce of your choice
16 meatballs

That's it! Super easy.

*Image from Google Search*

The kids do love dessert but we are trying to establish healthier habits there as well. For dessert we had Greek God Vanilla Honey Yogurt with pecans. My son LOVED it, my daughter not so much... 

Tuesday morning I tried my hand at flour less banana pancakes. Hit with everyone except my little girl.

*Image from Eugines Kitchen* 

Tuesday evening 93/7 hamburger patties with cauliflower rice I love the cauliflower rice, seriously I may never eat regular rice again. I mixed in some butter and salt... delicious! 

*Image from Google Search*

Dessert apple slices with peanut butter and chocolate chips! We skipped the granola and nuts. 

*Image from Google search*

Wednesday Morning Tuesday night I prepare eggs in muffin tins for the week. It's can be challenging when we have to get up so early to make something healthy, so this preparation makes breakfast simple. Just bag them up and re heat in the morning. I added a 10 oz glass of Naked Green Machine smoothie. 

9 eggs
1 cup spinach
1/2 cup diced bell peppers
1/2 Turkey Sausage link

*Image from Google Search*

Wednesday  Turkey Burgers (no bun) with Cucumber salad

Tomatoes diced
Cucumbers diced
Light Italian Dressing
Fresh Parsley (optional) 

*Image from Google Search*

Thursday meatballs and broccoli 

Friday My husband and I usually go out. Last two Friday's we had ModMarket roasted chicken, rosemary sweet potato mash, and arugala salad. 

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Do it for the "Damn you got hot!"

Looking back at old pictures... the transformation is pretty insane. It's taken years to get here, to find the dedication and the motivation. It also takes effort, hard work, and continued motivation to stay here, but it has been so worth it. If you know someone struggling with their weight, or someone making the journey to a healthier happier them that might appreciate the blog please share it! This is possible, you can do this. It won't happen over night, it will take sweat and maybe some tears (sometimes I still cry and whine), but you CAN do it.

2005- 2014

2008- 2014

Did I make it look fun?? I'm sorry.

I love sharing my journey on Instagram and Facebook. I love inspiring people, and motivating people to make changes, but sometimes I think I make it look like it's all fun and wonderful and I love my diet, I love working out, I love healthy living. While that may be somewhat, sometimes true, here is a glimpse into my actual thoughts on the whole thing...

A day in the life…

Wake up, shower, get kids ready, make lunches, make sure kids are getting ready. Make breakfast, eat breakfast yell at kids for watching TV and not eating breakfast. Think about how great this omelet would be with some cheese. Drink water, can't forget the water. Pack up lunches, blow dry hair, tell kids to get shoes on, brush teeth, make coffee. Tell kids again to get shoes on. Make sure everyone has everything: gym bag-check, lunches-check, backbacks-check, purse, cell phone-checkcheck. COFFEE! ok- check.

Drop kids off at summer camp, head to work. Work a little, think about food, what will I make for dinner, God I don't want to work out today…. I think I'm hungry already. Drink more water. I have to pee. Eat snack, yogurt and nuts delicious! Finish coffee, keep working. It's almost time for lunch, I need to go to the gym… I don't want to go the gym, I HAVE to go! UGH... I don't want to get sweaty and gross and have to shower. It's such a freaking hassle. Now I am hungry again. Eat first? No, workout first. Grudgingly head to the gym. I want a doughnut. 

The gym is packed, everyone is a body builder, I am literally the most out of shape person here, *sigh*.  Start work out, not feeling motivated AT ALL. Forcing myself to push harder, work out harder, stop being so lazy. Sweating my ass off, why on earth don't these people believe in A/C?? Seriously I didn't even know you could sweat from there… gross.

Done! Thank goodness. Head to the shower. Finish the shower, still sweating. Lovely, why did I shower again? Get dressed for work AGAIN. Still sweating. This sucks. Back to work blast the A/C in the car. At my desk STARVING! Salad time. Still hungry, should I eat my snack now or wait, I know I will be super hungry later… ugh so hungry. Decide to go for the snack. Drink water. I'm going to float away. Some cake would be so great right now. 

Fading fast at my desk, 2:30pm. Time for more coffee. Feeling hungry again. I hate this diet. I hate it I hate it I hate it! Why am I doing this again?? I want a donut, or maybe some cake. Someone brought cookies to the office.. why? Drink more water, maybe it will fill me up.

5:00pm thank God! I can eat dinner! Pick up kids, talk about their day, think about dinner. Get home start dinner, measure things out, eat YAY! Listen to kids complain about dinner again. Tell them to eat it anyway. Listen to more whining about dinner.

Ok I almost made it today. I have almost stuck to the diet. I can do this… I can do this. I wish we had ice cream. 

Play with kids, get kids ready for bed. Yell at kids to hurry up in the shower. Get your clothes on, do you even know how to dry yourself off? Why is there water all over the floor? Why is there water on the ceiling? Seriously guys towels… hang them up. Why do we have to go through this every time?? Stop playing around, why is there toothpaste on the floor? You only brushed for two seconds, brush again. Seriously kid watch where you are peeing! It is supposed to go in the toilet.

Bed time stories, kisses, goodnight. Food prep for the next day, cut, measure, bag. Think about food, I am hungry again. Cookies?

Lay down check Facebook, I am so hungry. Think about food, complain to my husband. Pout. I hate this diet. I want some french fries. Sleep

Wake up do it all again.... can I get some cake?

I share this not to discourage but to remind you that I am right there with you. Some days I love it I feel great I feel energized, I can totally do this, and then other days all I can think about is the food I don't get to eat and how badly I DO NOT want to work out. This blog is about a real person, a real mom, a real woman who has fought her weight her whole life. This is real life people. I am in the trenches with you. YOU can do it! If I can... you totally can.

Monday, July 28, 2014

Week One Complete

My first week on 21day fix is complete. (I did not follow the plan this weekend.) This morning I woke up two pounds heavier than I was at the beginning of the week last week. Pretty disappointing. Despite the fact that I did not follow the plan over the weekend I shouldn't have gained weight. That doesn't make any sense. I am trying to think back on all the things I have read to come up with an answer. It's not two true pounds because I certainly didn't eat 7,000 calories over my maintain range. Maybe it's water weight, maybe it's muscle... I don't know. But after busting my ass all week and being hungry and grumpy and hating almost every minute that two pounds is like a slap in the face.

I can't be on a plan that isn't sustainable. If I follow the plan all week to lose and then on the weekend eat to maintain but I gain... something isn't right. I can't live on this plan 24/7 for the rest of my life. I know I can't maintain that. At some point I have to stop eating at a deficit and eat normally to maintain and I shouldn't put it all back on.

Now I am not saying that this plan doesn't work. My husband is also on the plan and he lost 3lbs the first week. It is working for him. However he has more to lose than I do, this is a drastic eating change for him. Plus everybody's body is different and responds differently.

This is not a huge change for me. This is a slight variation. I love using the cups as a guide. It is so helpful to see what I should and shouldn't be eating, and how much. I love that it is helping my husband, and the workouts are killer, I love the challenge. I recommend the program. I do.

With that being said I am going to tweek it. The week prior to starting this I lost 6lbs on my own. I am going to mimic that week. This week I will use the cups as a portion guide, and the plan as a serving guide, but I will be sticking to that calorie intake and that workout plan and see if it works.

One of my biggest issues this last week was the dressing servings. I was eating probably two a day, one on my salad and one in the afternoon on my veggies. This plan dropped me to one a day so then I had to choose, which meant I actually was choosing other foods over veggies. Cooked vegetables I love, and will eat plain, but raw veggies, I just can't. I need ranch. Broccoli is no fun raw and plain.

So, goal this week, eat around 1600-1750 calories everyday, workout 20 minutes cardio, 20 minutes weights 5 days this week. To put it in perspective the 21 day fix plan had me eating 1400 calories a day and working out. I honestly think this was simply too little for me. I think eating a few hundred more every day is really going to help.

If you are on the 21 day fix, don't give up!! If you are seeing results keep going. If you are not just make adjustments. I am not quitting, I am simply making changes to fit my body and my needs.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Salad, your new best friend

My favorite salads

Berry Bacon Goat Cheese

2-4 slices of bacon
1-2 cups of mixed greens
1/4 cup of goat cheese
1/4 cup strawberries
1/4 cup blueberries
2 TBS sliced almonds
2 TBS light raspberry vinaigrette

Shrimp Avocado no salad Salad

1/2 cup salad shrimp
1/3 cup chopped orange bell pepper
1/3 cup cucumber diced
1/3 cup sliced baby tomatoes
1/4 cup avocado
2 TBS light Italian dressing

Beef Brisket Chipotle Salad

1/2 cup beef brisket
1-2 cups spinach
1/3 cup sliced mushrooms
1/3 cup baby tomatoes
2 TBS Chipotle Ranch dressing

"What's Your Excuse?"

A few months back this woman and her image (pictured above) were circulating all over Facebook. Mothers everywhere were freaking out and getting angry and lashing out at her… why? They were offended. Offended that another women out there would point out that they were making excuses for their unhealthy diet, and the extra weight they were carrying around. The dirty honest truth is moms saw this as a personal attack on their inability to get their shit together and make these kinds of results happen for themselves.

If we were all being honest with ourselves we would say she is right. We makes a million excuses. We do it all the time. Whether they are legit or not. Her goal was to inspire, and probably to make people upset, ruffle some feathers. Why? Because that moment when you get angry is the moment you make a change. You either get mad at her whine and complain and bash her for being "judgmental" or you get mad at yourself because you realize you are your own worst enemy. You are your problem, you are your road block, and you ARE making excuses. We get offended by this image because we recognize the truth in it. It forces us to take a good hard look at ourselves and face some unhappy demons we have avidly tried to avoid.

What's my excuse? Well how much time do you have? I joke, but seriously I could give you a room full of excuses. I am tried, I work, I have kids, I like good food, I have a birthday, wedding, party, event. The list changes based on the day and my mood.

YOU make excuses, I make excuses, we all do it all the time. Getting angry with women like her is not going to make you any happier, it's not going to make you any healthier, or any thinner, or any stronger. It's also not going to make her fat, unhealthy, or out of shape. So what's the point really?

My goal to reach my target body shape weight etc. has been a hard road. It hasn't been easy, and sometimes it hasn't been fun. Some days I hate it so much I want to quit, some days I try to convince myself I don't care that much, some days I whine like a two-year-old and throw a fit (seriously ask my husband). This is hard. It is not easy, it will probably never be easy. You may have to think about it every day and make a conscious effort your whole life. That's the hard truth. But it is worth it. It really is.

So throw out all of your excuses. Just do it. Toss them all and make up your mind to make a change. You will be so happy you did.

Friday, July 25, 2014

Day 6- 21 Day Fix *An Honest Review*

Ok day 6, it's becoming more automatic. I don't miss the cheese as much as I thought I would, but avocados... that's a whole other story. Sweets too, that's a hard one. Some friends recommended date roles, which are in fact pretty tasty and can satisfy a sweet tooth. Finding out they were considered a yellow (carb) was pretty disappointing, I was so hoping they were a fruit since my goal is only two yellows a day.

I increased my calories a bit and I am feeling much better. I think that is something important to note with this diet, because you are eating within a bracket it is entirely possible that you are eating towards the low end of your goal. If this is the case you may feel tired, weak, faint etc. Be careful with your body. This "diet" is designed to have you eating at a deficit and then working out creating an even greater deficit. For those of us in the lowest bracket 1200-1499 calories it is very easy to net less than 1,000 calories a day after a workout. That is not healthy! Be careful and if you feel hungry or tired or run down you need to add a red (protein)  and some greens. I use myfitness pal in conjunction with this plan and so I am tracking my caloires. I do this mostly because I have been doing so for over a year now and it's a habit. But I am so glad I was because it very clearly showed me I was not eating enough.  The last thing you want to do is hurt your body or starve yourself.

The whole idea of this program is to help you understand portions, understand how much of each kind of food you should be eating, and to shock your body into making fast changes. I think the premise of the program is awesome and helpful for people struggling with weight loss. I also think there should be some careful considerations. The plan promises up to 15lbs in 21 days. Any nutritionist will tell you that is not really a healthy amount to lose in such a short amount of time. You should technically not lose more than 10lbs a month.

With that in mind if you start to feel terrible on ANY diet plan take a careful look at your calories. Don't try to take short cuts, this is meant to help you make a lifestyle change. It needs to be sustainable or you will gain it all right back. Healthy changes, that's what you are striving for.

I have learned a lot about what my body needs vs. what my brain wants. I have learned that I am capable of more than I realized. I feel good. I feel healthy. I don't feel bogged down by fatty crappy foods. I feel thin, I don't ever feel bloated and gross. I enjoy the challenge. Truthfully I do whine a lot, but I stick to it. Sometimes we all need to push our limits and push through the "pain."

After a lifetime of making terrible food choices it is difficult to make such drastic changes, and not just in the way you eat but the way you think. I feel some days like I miss donuts, I mean geez it's a food! How can I "miss" a food? Training your mind to think of food as fuel for a healthy body is a challenge.  Training your mind not to think of food as a reward or a celebration or a way to be happy is HARD. That's why we do this 21 day fix. To push our limits, to retrain our brain.

My coach asked today to give 3 feeling words to describe why we are doing this... my words? To feel sexy, confident in anything and strong. I want to add one more, proud. I want to be proud of myself. What are your words?

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Lunch Hour Work Outs

Working out on my lunch hour is both awesome and sucky at the same time. It's hot as hell in that gym, I literally sweat from every pore. They do have showers (yay!), but my metabolism is so revved after a workout that even a cold shower doesn't do the trick, I sweat as I get back into my work clothes. Getting caught stark naked in the locker room, not fun either especially when the gym you workout in is full of professional body builders.. "yes get a good look at my saggy mommy tummy people." This is why I started the 21 day fix, ready for that bag to disappear! 

Working out on lunch hour rocks because I get away from desk, away from the office and I get some energy for the rest of the day. Working out at this particular gym is motivating, everyone is so freaking fit! It makes you want to push a little harder. When you are a working mom you just have to squeeze it in when you get the chance. Thankful for a company that offers a gym discount, and an hour lunch so I have the opportunity to meet my goals!

Pre-workout photo.. 
*a side note even a few months ago I wouldn't have felt confident in this dress, but now I am pretty happy in the body I'm in just need a little tweaking.*

Post workout photo

If you look pretty after a workout you are doing it wrong!!! 

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

A Day in the life of a 21 Day Fixer

My daily goal is 3 greens, 4 reds, 2 purples, 2 yellows, 1 blue, 1 orange, and 2 tsp. 1200-1499 calories

The day starts with 1 Green and 1 Red- Spinach Mushroom omelet (no cheese) 

Snack around 9:30am or 10:00  1 Red and 1 Blue- Greek yogurt with pecans 

Lunch is 1 Yellow, 1 Green, and 1 Red- Brisket, couscous, and broccoli

 11/2  purple- A peach for snack

Dinner is 1 Green 1 Yellow and 1 Red 1 tsp-  Turkey meatballs, spinach and mushrooms sautéed in olive oil and brown and wild rice mix.

After dinner snack 1 Purple and 2 tsp- 1/2 an apple and 2 tsp of organic peanut butter.

(not pictured 1 Red- 1/2 cup pulled pork for snack)  

**Total of 1622 Calories- my daily goal is 1488. However the last two days I netted under 1000 calories a day so going a bit over my limit today seemed reasonable. I had been feeling weak like I was going to  pass out today so I decided I needed to eat more. I also had two cups of coffee today with 2 individual creamers in each. Creamers are technically not "allowed" in the 21 day fix**

My workout today 

Weighing In

Day 4 still no change on the scale. I know I have to stop doing that every morning. I decided I need to actually measure if I hope to see progress from this whole thing. The scale may not be my best measurement at this point. I took before pictures as well today. Not sharing those until I have some amazing after pics to go with it.


Weight 167
Waist: 36"
Hips: 40.5"
Bust: 40.5"
Arm: 12"
Thigh: 22"
Calf: 15.5"

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Day 3

Day 3 of the 21 day fix, I am dying.

Not literally, but almost. My legs are still so sore I can hardly walk. I did arms and abs yesterday hoping my legs would rest and heal up, but no. I did 30 minutes on the arc trainer today and sadly was so hungry I resorted to a cookie at the office.

I plan to count that cookie as my two yellow's today and have a nice healthy meal of chicken and broccoli for dinner.

I feel so hungry. I am used to eating lots of veggies in the afternoon, but usually I eat them with a little light ranch dressing. Since I only get one orange a day (dressing) I need that for my salad. So no dressing in the afternoon, which makes cold raw veggies less appealing.

I have cut most all oil's, cheese, and avocado out. I only get one blue (1/4 cup) of healthy fat a day which I use for pecans in my greek yogurt.

So basically I am HUNGRY. I have complained bitterly to my husband, my friends, and my mom for the last 3 days. I am going to stick to it. I hated my diet a year ago too. I can do this. I want too. This is just the shock phase where you whine, complain and get it all out, eventually I will settle with the idea that this is just the way it is and stop whining.

I want to see this work. I want to reach my goals.

Monday, July 21, 2014

21 Day Fix

I started the 21 Day Fix with my husband yesterday. Mostly I just wanted to see if it could help me get over my plateau and finally lose that last 15-17 lbs I have been dying to lose. I started eating a little differently the week prior and lost 6 lbs. So I know it is possible for me to continue without the 21 Day Fix but I ordered it anyway to help my husband and to really see if they had a different solution.

The containers are deceptively large online, when you get them in the nail you will be utterly shocked at how small they are. You may cry  little inside.

The system is incredibly user friendly, you don't have to track calories at all. The key I am finding though is preparation, especially for me working so much. We spent Sunday shopping at Sam's for bulk produce. Literally our fridge looks like we own a farm. I would estimate we spent close to $150 or more just on produce this week. We bought a fully cooked beef brisket and I pulled all the fat off, which was super easy, then measured out the specified amount and put it into ziplock bags. Some went to the fridge others went to freezer. I boiled an entire carton of eggs and those went into the fridge as well. We bought bulk spinach and separated that into bags as well. I still need to cut up all the bell peppers and cucumbers.

This preparation means there is no excuse in the morning. I quickly grab a prepped bag and throw it in my lunch. I take what has been outlined on the meal plan and only that.

My biggest concerns so far have been the small amount we are eating. I have read so much about nutrition in the last year that I am worried about starving my body, and I worry about setting my baseline too low and gaining it all back if I increase my calorie intake after the 21 days.

I have spent the last year counting calories, so naturally I counted these calories too. Yesterday following the plan I ate 1394 calories (my daily goal for weight loss is 1488). I also worked out, burning an estimated 500 calories, leaving me netting less than 900 for the day.... That worries me a lot. That doesn't seem like enough food.

I contacted my wonderful Beach Body Coach and she said I could increase the protein and veggies if I felt like I was wiped out or weak. The only issue I see with the plan is that it is very set and specific, there is no tweaking really. Whether you workout a tiny bit or a ton you eat the same. After a year of reading up on nutrition and working out I know there are adjustments that need to be made.

Overall I like the ease of the program and it has helped my husband especially to see normal portion sizes. And how much of each food group you should really be eating. This is wonderful to finally see it so clearly.

This morning I was 167 on the dot. My goal is 150. Fingers crossed I can stick with this and it works!