

Sunday, July 27, 2014

"What's Your Excuse?"

A few months back this woman and her image (pictured above) were circulating all over Facebook. Mothers everywhere were freaking out and getting angry and lashing out at her… why? They were offended. Offended that another women out there would point out that they were making excuses for their unhealthy diet, and the extra weight they were carrying around. The dirty honest truth is moms saw this as a personal attack on their inability to get their shit together and make these kinds of results happen for themselves.

If we were all being honest with ourselves we would say she is right. We makes a million excuses. We do it all the time. Whether they are legit or not. Her goal was to inspire, and probably to make people upset, ruffle some feathers. Why? Because that moment when you get angry is the moment you make a change. You either get mad at her whine and complain and bash her for being "judgmental" or you get mad at yourself because you realize you are your own worst enemy. You are your problem, you are your road block, and you ARE making excuses. We get offended by this image because we recognize the truth in it. It forces us to take a good hard look at ourselves and face some unhappy demons we have avidly tried to avoid.

What's my excuse? Well how much time do you have? I joke, but seriously I could give you a room full of excuses. I am tried, I work, I have kids, I like good food, I have a birthday, wedding, party, event. The list changes based on the day and my mood.

YOU make excuses, I make excuses, we all do it all the time. Getting angry with women like her is not going to make you any happier, it's not going to make you any healthier, or any thinner, or any stronger. It's also not going to make her fat, unhealthy, or out of shape. So what's the point really?

My goal to reach my target body shape weight etc. has been a hard road. It hasn't been easy, and sometimes it hasn't been fun. Some days I hate it so much I want to quit, some days I try to convince myself I don't care that much, some days I whine like a two-year-old and throw a fit (seriously ask my husband). This is hard. It is not easy, it will probably never be easy. You may have to think about it every day and make a conscious effort your whole life. That's the hard truth. But it is worth it. It really is.

So throw out all of your excuses. Just do it. Toss them all and make up your mind to make a change. You will be so happy you did.

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