

Monday, July 21, 2014

21 Day Fix

I started the 21 Day Fix with my husband yesterday. Mostly I just wanted to see if it could help me get over my plateau and finally lose that last 15-17 lbs I have been dying to lose. I started eating a little differently the week prior and lost 6 lbs. So I know it is possible for me to continue without the 21 Day Fix but I ordered it anyway to help my husband and to really see if they had a different solution.

The containers are deceptively large online, when you get them in the nail you will be utterly shocked at how small they are. You may cry  little inside.

The system is incredibly user friendly, you don't have to track calories at all. The key I am finding though is preparation, especially for me working so much. We spent Sunday shopping at Sam's for bulk produce. Literally our fridge looks like we own a farm. I would estimate we spent close to $150 or more just on produce this week. We bought a fully cooked beef brisket and I pulled all the fat off, which was super easy, then measured out the specified amount and put it into ziplock bags. Some went to the fridge others went to freezer. I boiled an entire carton of eggs and those went into the fridge as well. We bought bulk spinach and separated that into bags as well. I still need to cut up all the bell peppers and cucumbers.

This preparation means there is no excuse in the morning. I quickly grab a prepped bag and throw it in my lunch. I take what has been outlined on the meal plan and only that.

My biggest concerns so far have been the small amount we are eating. I have read so much about nutrition in the last year that I am worried about starving my body, and I worry about setting my baseline too low and gaining it all back if I increase my calorie intake after the 21 days.

I have spent the last year counting calories, so naturally I counted these calories too. Yesterday following the plan I ate 1394 calories (my daily goal for weight loss is 1488). I also worked out, burning an estimated 500 calories, leaving me netting less than 900 for the day.... That worries me a lot. That doesn't seem like enough food.

I contacted my wonderful Beach Body Coach and she said I could increase the protein and veggies if I felt like I was wiped out or weak. The only issue I see with the plan is that it is very set and specific, there is no tweaking really. Whether you workout a tiny bit or a ton you eat the same. After a year of reading up on nutrition and working out I know there are adjustments that need to be made.

Overall I like the ease of the program and it has helped my husband especially to see normal portion sizes. And how much of each food group you should really be eating. This is wonderful to finally see it so clearly.

This morning I was 167 on the dot. My goal is 150. Fingers crossed I can stick with this and it works!

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