

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Did I make it look fun?? I'm sorry.

I love sharing my journey on Instagram and Facebook. I love inspiring people, and motivating people to make changes, but sometimes I think I make it look like it's all fun and wonderful and I love my diet, I love working out, I love healthy living. While that may be somewhat, sometimes true, here is a glimpse into my actual thoughts on the whole thing...

A day in the life…

Wake up, shower, get kids ready, make lunches, make sure kids are getting ready. Make breakfast, eat breakfast yell at kids for watching TV and not eating breakfast. Think about how great this omelet would be with some cheese. Drink water, can't forget the water. Pack up lunches, blow dry hair, tell kids to get shoes on, brush teeth, make coffee. Tell kids again to get shoes on. Make sure everyone has everything: gym bag-check, lunches-check, backbacks-check, purse, cell phone-checkcheck. COFFEE! ok- check.

Drop kids off at summer camp, head to work. Work a little, think about food, what will I make for dinner, God I don't want to work out today…. I think I'm hungry already. Drink more water. I have to pee. Eat snack, yogurt and nuts delicious! Finish coffee, keep working. It's almost time for lunch, I need to go to the gym… I don't want to go the gym, I HAVE to go! UGH... I don't want to get sweaty and gross and have to shower. It's such a freaking hassle. Now I am hungry again. Eat first? No, workout first. Grudgingly head to the gym. I want a doughnut. 

The gym is packed, everyone is a body builder, I am literally the most out of shape person here, *sigh*.  Start work out, not feeling motivated AT ALL. Forcing myself to push harder, work out harder, stop being so lazy. Sweating my ass off, why on earth don't these people believe in A/C?? Seriously I didn't even know you could sweat from there… gross.

Done! Thank goodness. Head to the shower. Finish the shower, still sweating. Lovely, why did I shower again? Get dressed for work AGAIN. Still sweating. This sucks. Back to work blast the A/C in the car. At my desk STARVING! Salad time. Still hungry, should I eat my snack now or wait, I know I will be super hungry later… ugh so hungry. Decide to go for the snack. Drink water. I'm going to float away. Some cake would be so great right now. 

Fading fast at my desk, 2:30pm. Time for more coffee. Feeling hungry again. I hate this diet. I hate it I hate it I hate it! Why am I doing this again?? I want a donut, or maybe some cake. Someone brought cookies to the office.. why? Drink more water, maybe it will fill me up.

5:00pm thank God! I can eat dinner! Pick up kids, talk about their day, think about dinner. Get home start dinner, measure things out, eat YAY! Listen to kids complain about dinner again. Tell them to eat it anyway. Listen to more whining about dinner.

Ok I almost made it today. I have almost stuck to the diet. I can do this… I can do this. I wish we had ice cream. 

Play with kids, get kids ready for bed. Yell at kids to hurry up in the shower. Get your clothes on, do you even know how to dry yourself off? Why is there water all over the floor? Why is there water on the ceiling? Seriously guys towels… hang them up. Why do we have to go through this every time?? Stop playing around, why is there toothpaste on the floor? You only brushed for two seconds, brush again. Seriously kid watch where you are peeing! It is supposed to go in the toilet.

Bed time stories, kisses, goodnight. Food prep for the next day, cut, measure, bag. Think about food, I am hungry again. Cookies?

Lay down check Facebook, I am so hungry. Think about food, complain to my husband. Pout. I hate this diet. I want some french fries. Sleep

Wake up do it all again.... can I get some cake?

I share this not to discourage but to remind you that I am right there with you. Some days I love it I feel great I feel energized, I can totally do this, and then other days all I can think about is the food I don't get to eat and how badly I DO NOT want to work out. This blog is about a real person, a real mom, a real woman who has fought her weight her whole life. This is real life people. I am in the trenches with you. YOU can do it! If I can... you totally can.

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