

Monday, July 28, 2014

Week One Complete

My first week on 21day fix is complete. (I did not follow the plan this weekend.) This morning I woke up two pounds heavier than I was at the beginning of the week last week. Pretty disappointing. Despite the fact that I did not follow the plan over the weekend I shouldn't have gained weight. That doesn't make any sense. I am trying to think back on all the things I have read to come up with an answer. It's not two true pounds because I certainly didn't eat 7,000 calories over my maintain range. Maybe it's water weight, maybe it's muscle... I don't know. But after busting my ass all week and being hungry and grumpy and hating almost every minute that two pounds is like a slap in the face.

I can't be on a plan that isn't sustainable. If I follow the plan all week to lose and then on the weekend eat to maintain but I gain... something isn't right. I can't live on this plan 24/7 for the rest of my life. I know I can't maintain that. At some point I have to stop eating at a deficit and eat normally to maintain and I shouldn't put it all back on.

Now I am not saying that this plan doesn't work. My husband is also on the plan and he lost 3lbs the first week. It is working for him. However he has more to lose than I do, this is a drastic eating change for him. Plus everybody's body is different and responds differently.

This is not a huge change for me. This is a slight variation. I love using the cups as a guide. It is so helpful to see what I should and shouldn't be eating, and how much. I love that it is helping my husband, and the workouts are killer, I love the challenge. I recommend the program. I do.

With that being said I am going to tweek it. The week prior to starting this I lost 6lbs on my own. I am going to mimic that week. This week I will use the cups as a portion guide, and the plan as a serving guide, but I will be sticking to that calorie intake and that workout plan and see if it works.

One of my biggest issues this last week was the dressing servings. I was eating probably two a day, one on my salad and one in the afternoon on my veggies. This plan dropped me to one a day so then I had to choose, which meant I actually was choosing other foods over veggies. Cooked vegetables I love, and will eat plain, but raw veggies, I just can't. I need ranch. Broccoli is no fun raw and plain.

So, goal this week, eat around 1600-1750 calories everyday, workout 20 minutes cardio, 20 minutes weights 5 days this week. To put it in perspective the 21 day fix plan had me eating 1400 calories a day and working out. I honestly think this was simply too little for me. I think eating a few hundred more every day is really going to help.

If you are on the 21 day fix, don't give up!! If you are seeing results keep going. If you are not just make adjustments. I am not quitting, I am simply making changes to fit my body and my needs.

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