

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Resolutions are so 2013....

If you are anything like me every new year you set the same resolution, lose weight. Every freaking year since I was 11. And every year I started the year totally gung ho, and always without fail I petered out about a month or two in, and then spent the rest of the year self loathing, and feeling like a failure for not being able to keep up with my resolution.

This last year I realized something. I started getting serious about weight loss about 6 months into the year and I kicked my ass. I was determined and dedicated, and I met my goals. And the best part? The pride I found in myself. The confidence I gained. The knowledge that I am not a failure and I am capable of following through! 

So this year even though I still want to lose weight, my goal is simply to do things that make me proud of myself. To do things that build confidence, things that make me smile, things that push me. I don't want to be pinned down, by specifics, I want the freedom to explore all kinds of new challenges. I also don't want to be confined by a number. I want to be proud of each and every pound. I want to be proud of each milestone, and each small goal met. 

I challenge each of you to make the same resolution. To make this a year you are proud of, whether it's 10 lbs or 50 lbs. Whether it's simply to start working out regularly, or to work out consistently for a week. Whether it's to get rid of sugary treats for a week, or for a year. What ever your goal is make it attainable, take baby steps, and be proud of every accomplishment no matter how small you think it may be. Be proud of your efforts and be proud of your attempts. 

Make this a year you can be proud of! This year be your own kind of awesome. 

Monday, December 30, 2013

Saying goodbye to 2013

Reflecting on this year before January 1st. I am so proud of how far I have come. Seriously, I started as the girl who said f@#$ it to fitness and enjoyed more than my fair share of donuts. I went from loathing the very idea of running to running my happy butt up the steep trail next to our house 2-3 times a week. I loved every minute of it. I ran my first 10k this year! I was so proud of myself. I totally biffed it at mile 4 but got my happy ass up and ran the rest. Crossing that finish line was one of the most memorable moments of the year.

My husband and I ran our first 5k together. That was so much fun! He ran faster and beat me to the finish but it was so thrilling to do it together. To be that couple. The fit healthy couple running together. I can't wait to do it again this year.

I lost 30 pounds. I worked my ass off and lost weight that had been dragging me down for years. I succeeded in making it through the holidays without gaining any of it back. I did things I honestly never thought I had the will power to do.

I found a new me this year. A more confident, health, happy me. And once again I am so proud of me!!!

Bring it on 2014! I am ready for you!

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Today's workout!!

Today's workout 2 mile warm up run (10 min mile) then this...

Do it with me!

**A friend once told me to enter this kind of workout on MyFitnessPal enter it as circuit training minimal rest. **

Saturday, December 28, 2013

My honest confession...

I see so many things circulating on the internet about beauty. One article talks about embracing your body, your curves, your scars, your mommy tummy. The next article is about putting down your fork and finding your motivation to be uber fit. This mommy, and that mommy can still have six pack abs so what is your excuse? It's a tug of war between the genetically blessed and the rest of us. And no matter how many of these inspirational "love your scars" articles I read I can't hep but still want desperately to be perfect. No matter how many posts I see about how even models aren't perfect, how Photo Shop has deceived us all, I still want to be the girl in the magazine.

I know exactly why, I know that all girls have been brainwashed since the moment we first saw a magazine with a gorgeous perfect woman on the front, since we first saw a commercial with a beautiful flawless lady selling this product or that product. From the moment we first heard our mothers talk about dieting, or working out. Do I want the perfect body because I feel like it would be healthy? Hell no, it's about being sexy, being what the world has told us (women) we are supposed to be our whole lives. Do I want to be fit to be healthy? Yes, and there is a difference. Can I separate the two? Do I work out just to be healthy? I work out to feel good about me. Working out releases endorphins. I feel amazing. I feel fit and healthy and wonderful. I feel so accomplish dafter every 5k, every 10k, every 3 mile run on the treadmill. And underneath that is the natural byproduct. People notice. My husband notices. I feel attractive, I feel beautiful, which in turn also makes me feel good about me. Is this a bad thing? I don't know, regardless it's the way it works.

Should we embrace the idea that we are so immeshed in this cesspool of women needing to be perfect and beautiful, of good looks being highly valued in a woman? Of course not! But can we escape it? Not really. So what do we do? As shallow as it may sound as a product of my experience swimming through the cesspool I cannot embrace my saggy mommy belly. No matter how many articles I read I cannot see it as beautiful. Maybe one day when all the models are flaunting their saggy belly after pregnancy I will start to feel it's not the ugly bag that it is. But let's be honest, it's not pretty.

Armed with knowledge I have made a compromise with myself. I will embrace my best efforts. I will embrace as good as it gets. I will keep my expectations in a realistic zone, and I will be happy with the outcome from doing my best and trying my hardest. I will not beat myself up, I will not starve myself, or strive for perfection. I will never be a Victoria's secret model, an that is ok. Very very few women are. I will feel beautiful, because I am beautiful. Will I still envy perfect bodies? Yes. Will I let it tear me down and make me feel bad about me? No. I will work out for me, I will lose weight to be the best me I can be. There is nothing wrong with wanting to feel sexy. Nothing wrong with wanting to be better and reach a little higher, the problem comes when we let it break us down or make us feel bad about ourselves. So you embrace yourself however you want. Embrace whatever makes you feel good, and happy with who your are. Find your compromise. I think life is a journey in learning to love ourselves. And we are al in different places in that journey. This is where I am, where are you?

Back on track!

The holidays are over!! Time to drop the fudge and get my ass back in gear. Goal: lose 20 lbs by graduation (May 18th). I reset My Fitness Pal to lose 1 lbs per week, I am committed.. (I hope).

Yesterday I made it to the gym 32 minutes on the Cybex Arc trainer. That thing is killer. I swear it's more of a work out than running at this point. Today I seriously don't feel like going to the gym so I am going to do some fabulous workouts I found on Pinterest my other favorite website :) Remember you can follow my boards here .

This is today's workout

followed by this....

which will be followed by this

Get off the couch and do it with me!! 

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

At least I'm working out right??

This week has been an uphill battle. Gingerbread Monday, donuts Tuesday, and lets not even talk about all the fudge, cinnamon roles, and cheese danishes from last week. Just maintaining has been a miracle. I always start the day with the best intentions and things head south by noon. I have managed to go to the gym almost every day which has been super helpful. I will be so thankful when this wonderful holiday season is over. Come on January 1st!

Friday, December 13, 2013

Sledding down a fudge hill

The holidays can kiss me fat ass. And they should have no trouble finding it because seriously it's not getting any smaller. I love Christmas, it is my very favorite holiday. But unfortunately Christmas doesn't  love me back. Not the way I would like anyway. The fudge loves me, and the gingerbread, and the salted Carmel Hot Chocolate. Christmas is a sweets lovers worst nightmare. Especially when you are attempting not to gain weight. As I slide each piece of fudge in my mouth I mentally shame myself and add 20 more minutes to my workout. In the moment it's totally worth it, but later I feel guilt. Gooey chocolate induced guilt. I promised myself I would not gain over the holidays, so far I have lost and gained the same 4 lbs over and over. I am determined not to breech 170. I want to start 2014 where I left off, and pick up my weight loss January 1. It's a modest doable goal, any time of the year except now.Now it's like climbing Everest, if Everest was a giant pile of cookies, and other holiday goodies. I took the time to calculate out the calories in one batch of my home made fudge... over 6,000 calories... holy freaking cow! I broke that batch up into 48 pieces, but if you eat 24 of those pieces in one week... hello 3 lbs I though I lost! How lovely to see you again resting on my gut.

Ugh, self control where the hell did you go? You can't just vacation over Christmas! need you!