

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Resolutions are so 2013....

If you are anything like me every new year you set the same resolution, lose weight. Every freaking year since I was 11. And every year I started the year totally gung ho, and always without fail I petered out about a month or two in, and then spent the rest of the year self loathing, and feeling like a failure for not being able to keep up with my resolution.

This last year I realized something. I started getting serious about weight loss about 6 months into the year and I kicked my ass. I was determined and dedicated, and I met my goals. And the best part? The pride I found in myself. The confidence I gained. The knowledge that I am not a failure and I am capable of following through! 

So this year even though I still want to lose weight, my goal is simply to do things that make me proud of myself. To do things that build confidence, things that make me smile, things that push me. I don't want to be pinned down, by specifics, I want the freedom to explore all kinds of new challenges. I also don't want to be confined by a number. I want to be proud of each and every pound. I want to be proud of each milestone, and each small goal met. 

I challenge each of you to make the same resolution. To make this a year you are proud of, whether it's 10 lbs or 50 lbs. Whether it's simply to start working out regularly, or to work out consistently for a week. Whether it's to get rid of sugary treats for a week, or for a year. What ever your goal is make it attainable, take baby steps, and be proud of every accomplishment no matter how small you think it may be. Be proud of your efforts and be proud of your attempts. 

Make this a year you can be proud of! This year be your own kind of awesome. 

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