

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

One Day at a Time

Today I am feeling accomplished for sticking to my goal yesterday. I stayed at 1900 calories. I worked out. I feel good. Sticking to weight loss goals is all about taking it one day at a time and being proud of even the smallest steps.  One day can be a mountain to some and an ant hill for others. Accept where you are and be excited when you make improvements! That's the only way to stay strong and stick it out.

When your goals seem too easy make them harder. Challenge yourself and shout your accomplishments from the roof tops.

What did you do better today than yesterday? What have you accomplished in the past hour? The past week? The past year. It is the perfect time to reflect on how far you have or have not come, and to really analyze where you are at. Set short and long term goals for 2015. If you stumble it's ok, get back up and keep going.

Think of the time that has passed since last new years when you set goals and resolutions. Have you accomplished them? If so, Yay!! If not, why? What happened? Imagine where you would be today if you had really stuck to your goal.  Where could you be in a week, in a month, by next New Years?

I am committed to making changes. I am committed to being the best me I can be in 2015, and to transforming my body. I want to be healthy. I want to be able to just jump off the couch and run a 5k . I want to be in that kind of shape. I am pretty healthy and fit but I want to be even better, even stronger.

Happy New Year to all my readers and make 2015 your best year ever!!

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