

Friday, May 9, 2014

Loose Jeans and Cookies

Jeans were loose this morning! Something must be working. I'm pretty thrilled. And I managed it and still ate 2 mini bagels with Nutella this week plus 5 peanut butter chocolate chip cookies. To be fair I ate very well despite that. Today's workout was less intense than normal.

Dumb bell bicep curls- 3 sets of 12 @ 15lbs
Tricep pull down's - 3 sets of 12 at level 7
Dub bell shoulder press- 3 sets of 10 @ 20lbs

Followed by....
50 jump ropes
50 crunches
50 jump ropes
45 squats
40 jump ropes
12 push ups
45 jump ropes
40 crunches
40 jumping jacks
35 squats
30 jumping jacks
30 crunches
25 jumping jacks
15 squats
15 jumping jacks
15 crunches
10 jumping jacks
10 push up's
5 jumping jacks
5 crunches
5 squats
1 minute pank

Yesterday I went for a 3 mile run in the chilly drizzle, it felt wonderful!

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Keeping Track

Yesterday's work out was 15 minutes on the stair climber, followed by 15 minutes running.

Today's workout was 

3 sets of 12 dumbbell curls 15lbs
3 sets of 12 lap pull down's 75lbs
3 sets of 12 quad pushes 70lbs
3 sets of 15 calf presses 70lbs

followed by…

15 squat jumps
50 high knees
10 pushups
7 burpees
10 lunges
7 squats
1 minute plank
15 kettle bell swings 25lbs
60 jump ropes 

whole set x3 ( honestly by set 3 I felt like I was gonna die if I did one burpee..)

Then 8 minutes on the elliptical 

Today's food diary 

**The calorie goal is based on my workout entry I start with 1849 calories a day.** 

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Power lunch

Found this amazing looking lunch on Pinterest and had to try it. It was delicious!

3 oz cooked shrimp
1/4 bell pepper chopped
1/2 avocado 
6 baby tomatoes cut in half

**You can add greek yogurt on top**

Calories= 193 *w/out greek yogurt*

Monday, May 5, 2014

Naked tacos- win!

Last night I made some delicious naked tacos and to my great surprise the kids really like them!

3 lettuce leaves
2 tbs sour cream
1/3 cup shredded cheese
1/4 of an avocado
3/4 cup ground beef 

Total Calories in 3 tacos = 475 

I was craving sweets  so bad, so I opted for a healthier dessert option of Fage 0% plain greek yogurt, 3/4 cup sliced strawberries, and 1 1/2 Tbs chopped pecans… omg delicious! (packed with protein, only 164 calories!)

Today is my run day 3 quick miles before heading to dance class with my mini me. 


After our anniversary celebration I am hitting this week hard with diet  and exercise. Today I started out with a 1 minute warm up run on the treadmill, and followed that with a little HIIT. I was dying by the end and almost didn't complete the 4th round, but I wouldn't give up and it felt great! The is the first time in months I felt like I really pushed myself.

10 burpees (do them the right way, no cheating)
15 squats
15 kettle bell swings
10 supermans
1 minute jump rope
1 minute plank

*do this 4 times with 1-3 minute rest in between times.*

It is amazing how your body really gets used to certain things, I really feel like running 3-4 miles is cake over this work out.

Speaking of cake…. No sweets this week until mothers day. My goal is to push hard this week and not let stress cravings get the best of me, but I will certainly be indulging a little this weekend. I am determined to change my body shape. It's nice to be 30 lbs lighter, but this still isn't a body I am thrilled with. There is a nice winter layer of pudge that has to go!

Tonight I am trying out lettuce wrapped tacos on the kids. I am super excited about this meal, somehow I doubt they will share the same sentiment…

Happy Monday everybody!

Sunday, May 4, 2014

I can never eat a donut again?? F@$% that.

The other day I posted this photo on my Facebook page and I asked the question "Do you think this girl ever eats donuts?" The responses were things like "no, you can't have it both ways, she doesn't even know what a donut is."

These responses really got me thinking about the way we view being fit. We tend to view unhealthy foods and a healthy fit body as being completely opposing forces. This sadly has lead to a very unhealthy view of food in general. Food becomes the enemy in all cases. If it's healthy and we don't really like it but we "know" this is what we have to eat to be thin, health, beautiful, fit etc. we eat it grudgingly. We hate the healthy, but we know there is no way around it. The foods we enjoy are also bad, we feel guilt for eating them because we "know" they are just making us fat.

This picture capture the sentiment perfectly. We feel like we are on top of the world after one day of eating healthy and if we eat one piece of cake we suddenly feel like we ave ruin fit forever. Mentally we are either fat and unhealthy and eat crap or we are healthy and fit and eat good whole foods. We perpetuate this mentality with our friends. We laugh at this photo because it's true, it circulates on Pinterest and Facebook, because we can relate to it, but is it the truth?? 

I have had this conversation so many times with my husband. We see these ripped, toned super fit people and we say to each other, God they must live at the gym, they never eat crap, I don't have that kind of motivation. And it's true! In all honesty if having that body means I never eat another cookie, donut, ice cream cone, cupcake, Cheeto, french fry ever again then it's simply not happening.

The reality is there will always be a birthday, holiday, special occasion, or simply a just because that comes along. Am I really supposed to spend every year dreading each of these coming? Knowing I will be faced with foods I love but can't eat because I want to look like a supermodel?

It's not real. Can I be healthy and eat great foods and work out every day? Absolutely. I enjoy those things. But can I go a lifetime without ever eating another sugary food? I could if I had a will of steel, but I don't want want too, and I won't.

I honestly believe there has got to be a happy medium. I want to be healthy, and feel good about myself and still enjoy food and stop feeling guilty for it. I know what needs to be done. I know eating 4 donuts in one sitting is unhealthy and I will never see results. But every now and then one donut will not kill my dreams. An ice cream cone with my kids every once in a while will not mean I am destined to be an unhealthy fat mess my whole life.

In the process of losing the weight I absolutely ate ice cream, and chocolate and pastries. Disclaimer- it was very strategic, and controlled. I never gorged and it was very infrequent that I ate these things. I do understand they are loaded with fat and sugar and calories. You have to be very smart about what you eat and when you eat and how you work out. But that doesn't mean giving them up for good. It just means arming yourself with knowledge about how many calories really are in that ice cream. And being 100 % honest with yourself about your activity level and your food intake.

Your plan has to be realistic, and yes it takes control, and will power, motivation and sacrifice. It takes change on your part, but it doesn't mean complete deprivation of all sugary foods.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Back on track

I have let my blog take a huge dive, and with it, my motivation. School is almost over!! Graduation is in two weeks! That means I can stop stressing and find a little more energy and motivation to get back on track with my fitness goals. I know that should't have been an excuse, but this is real life and I made excuses. I am ready to hit the ground running and start seeing some changes again.

This morning I ate a super healthy super filling breakfast inspired by Bloved Fitness , she is totally inspiring. A mom of 5 girl all home schooled, and somehow she has made the time, made the effort and seen amazing results.


1/4 orange bell pepper
1/4 cup baby bella mushrooms
1/2 cup cubed ham
1 1/2 tsp olive oil
2 TBS onion
1 egg over easy
1/2 cup cubed avocado

Sautee the veggies, and ham. Place the egg on the stack and top with avocado.

After breakfast I did some light strength training

20 lunges
20 calf raises
20 bench dips (arms)
20 squats

*Do this circuit 3 times*

10 pushups
30 crunches
30 butterfly crunches

*Do this 3 times through*

2- 1 minute planks

3 mile hike


1-3zo can light tuna in water
1 TBS olive oil mayo
1 TBS dill relish
1 Frigo Colby Jack cheese stick
10 Back to Nature Organic wheat crackers
1 cup cubed cantaloupe