

Monday, January 13, 2014

Finally a break through!

I bought a new book yesterday and I  have been obsessed with it ever since. It has all kinds of workouts in it and even a plan for you to follow for both nutrition and weight training. I don't know if I am more excited about the nutrition part or the workouts! You can buy it here

I was very excited to finally read something a bit more definitive. They explain that for fat burn your calorie range should be about 11-12 calories per pound of body weight, I weigh 170, so for me between 1,870 and 2,040 calories per day. If your plan is to gain lean muscle mass you need between 12 and 15 calories per pound per day again for me 2,040- 2,550 calories. Now these aren't just any calories. You need about 1 gram per pound of protein per day whether you are attempting to reduce body fat or gain muscle, that means I need about 170 grams of protein per day. That doesn't sound like to much until your really see how little protein you eat each day. I think generally we don't realize just how little protein most foods actually contain. For instance one egg only has 6 grams, one 3oz can of chicken has 13 grams. In rode to fulfill the 170 grams I would need to eat at least 28 grams per meal 6x a day! And that is only to fulfill the protein part. I hover around 80-110 grams right now, so I will have to really turn it up.

Fat is also important, but you have to eat the right kinds. They recommend .25-.5 grams of good fat per pound per day. So mine would be between 42 grams and 85 grams per day. I chose to set mine in the middle at 56 grams as a starting point.

Carbs should be between 1 and 1.5grams per pound per day, that means just a little more than the amount of protein. That sets me at 40% carbs, 35% protein and 25% fats a day. Everyone's will look a little different depending on your weight and your goals.

Carbs, fats, and protein are called macro nutrients. Counting out the macro nutrients is an important part of weight loss and muscle building. We all know what you eat matters, but when you hit a plateau it's time to take a good look at your diet and start counting those macros!

Now the kinds of carbs and fats do matter. Good fats include:

Canola oil
Olive oil
Corn oil
Soy oil
Safflower oil
Sunflower oil

Good Carbs are carbs that are slow to digest. This keeps your blog sugar levels more stable,  good carbs include oatmeal, sweet potatoes, and whole grains.

Eating the right kinds of foods in the right amounts will help your body have more energy and stay full longer. It will also help you reach your goals! So here's to giving it the old college try, I am going to give it 30 days and see what kind soy changes my body makes.

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