

Friday, January 24, 2014

Body Scan

Today I went to see a trainer to get a body scan done. This scan measures your body fat, muscle mass, etc. and as a bonus tells you your own personal BMR based on your body makeup. I found out for sure today my BMR is 1511. That means if I didn't move off my happy ass all day I would burn 1511 calories just surviving. My total body fat percentage is a sad 32%, which is slightly exciting because I was thinking around 35% so you know 3% lower is awesome. I also found out that in order to be in body's perfect weight range I only need to lose 5 pounds. Freaking sweet! Except that in the process of that I also need to lose like 12 pounds of fat (25% body fat if I stayed at 170). So obvious it's a bit more complex than that but that's essentially the idea.

My thought has been that I have like 25 pounds to lose to be ideal, but with this scan I am seeing that my ideal would honestly be like 12 more pounds (of fat). Well that's fabulous right!? Now the hard part is actually accomplishing it since I can't budge from 170....

They also told me my workouts need to amped up. I'm working in my comfort zone and I need to really get my heart rate up and challenge myself. I argued that, that was challenging when you get fit, finding things that work you out for real are a bit more difficult. But then I haven't tried cross fit :) (kidding that shits not happening.)

So they recommended sprints and other cardio or HIIT that will really challenge my body. Plateaus mean your body is bored. My body is bored. Been there done that. So now I have to work, harder than I hoped. They suggested reducing my calories to 1511 for one week to shock my body then increasing back up to around 1800. So next week I am going to go for it. I anticipate being a grouchy bitch, but it will be worth it.

They also said less protein (this is why I hate that everyone in fitness can't get on the same page). So I guess to build muscle assuming you are already at a target weight and fat level you would increase protein, but in order for your body to burn fat you have to decrease your protein so your body will use fat as the energy source. Ok, ok.

Next week: reduce protein 75-110grams a day max, kick up the work outs, 1511 calories a day.

Be prepared for a "poor food deprived me" post next week :)

You too can have a scan done here p.s. Carlos freaking rocks!

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