

Sunday, August 18, 2013

I take it back...

As it turns out vacation may have been the best thing for my body. I have lost all the weight I thought  gained plus some. I am down albs this week! I have lost a pound every day since Tuesday. It's pretty crazy.

I know I read a few places that once you start a new diet at first your body drops a ton of weight because it's shocked by the change. But slowly your weight loss decreases and may even stop because your basil metabolic rate ( the calories you burn just to sit around all day and exist) drops. The less you eat, the less your body needs to sustain itself. I am guessing this is the reason people plateau and the same reason people suggest cheat days. I have found that if I increase my calories intake just once or twice during the week I see better results. Obviously on vacation I was off the wagon for 3 days, so that huge spike in caloric intake followed by my quick return to my normal routine gave my body the jolt it need to kick start my weight loss again.

So I take back all the negative things I said about vacations, they totally rock :)

Start of the week weight: 184.7
End weight: 177.4

Motivational quote for the day... (this one made me smile)

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