

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Finding Balance

Today was my anniversary. I told my husband to plan something fun. Remembering that i was dying for a hot dog a few weeks ago he found a gourmet hot dog place in Denver to take me too. It was amazing! I even got a side of fried mac n cheese which i have always wanted to try. then we seen t3 hours wandering around the zoo and opted for some soft serve ice cream. On the way home we stopped to get King Soopers famous chocolate covered strawberries because tomorrow is Valentines and that's the only time they have them.

Why am I telling you this? Because clearly I didn't stick to the eating plan that comes with this 60 day challenge. But I'm not sorry.

Three years ago I started this journey and for two and half years I tracked every bite of food I ate. I missed out on lots of fun things because I was always obsessing over how many calories I consumed. I realized it was getting out of control. It was unhealthy, I was unhappy. I felt like I was trapped in a  box I built myself. I hit a breaking point and I couldn't keep counting. I had to just live. At first it was difficult to really let go and not worry about food. But slowly I began to relax and I was able to just exist. I gained little weight back, but I didn't care, I needed to just be. I needed to reassess and find out what I really wanted and how I wanted to live my life.

I wanted to be thin and have the six pack I always dreamed of, but I didn't want to go back to where I had been. I wanted to enjoy food, not dread meal times. I wanted to have a beer with a friend, and not be worrying about how much of a workout I would need to do to work it off later. After lots of thinking and analyzing I have finally come to the conclusion that I can't live my life in a constant attempt to have the "perfect body." If I can't have my dream body and still enjoy my life then I don't want that body.

Today I ate what I wanted and I enjoyed the moment. I enjoyed my life! I didn't worry or count, and I didn't care. I just had fun with the man I love.  I don't feel guilt for that deep fried cheesy goodness, I feel balanced. Tonight I will do my normal workout and tomorrow I will go right back to eating super healthy. Finding balance was hard road for me, and it looks different for everyone. I still push myself, I still workout even when I'm tired. I still choose to eat healthy 95% of the time. I like who I feel when I do, and I like who I am when I feel healthy, and that's what I am working for now.

I'm sharing this because I think it's important for us all to find that balance. Push yourself outside of your comfort zone, work for what you want. Be healthy, be active, but don't obsess, don't take it to extremes. If you find yourself becoming unhappy and missing out on life step back and think about what's most important. You have one life, just one. Don't miss it obsessing over the "perfect body." You are perfect just the way you are. Strive for health, strive for a, happier, healthier you.

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