

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

The scale is a lying b&*%

When I was young (16-18) my dream body looked very different than it does today. All I wanted was to be thin. I thought strong was ugly. Strong was muscles, and that was so not what I wanted. I wanted to be model thin, the kind that looks like you haven't eaten in days. Now I realize strong is beautiful! Strong is sexy, and that's the body I want. Being thin is not hot if you have to starve, being thin is not hot if you can hardly lift a 5 pound weight. I want to look fit. I want to look healthy. I want people to say, "damn she works out!"

The kind of body I used to want was acquired by eating less, way less, and seeing the number on the scale continue to go down. But the kind of body I want now is the kind that requires a bit more faith. A little less looking at the scale and more looking in the mirror. It takes more time, patience, and perseverance.

I think we become accustomed to looking at the scale as an accurate measurement of our fitness level, and even health level. We go to the doctor and the first thing they do it weigh us. This number becomes the number that defines us. The charts on the walls tell us what our acceptable weight should be. We must fit into a box, into a number and so we look to the scale hoping to fit into that magic number. But the problem with that is that it really isn't an accurate portrayal of your health and fitness level.

This picture is the perfect example. I don't want o be be 123 lbs if I am going to be fluffy and out of shape. I would much prefer to be 137 and be ripped. I am already seeing my body change, as I challenge myself and push myself. I can see my body transform and that is exciting. I am working on letting go of the number on the scale, and really accepting that it is not the best way to measure my success.